Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stuck Again! (or About Flying)

Most characters level 75 (or more) have probably tried flying - the new feature added in the last expansion.

Flying can be controlled either
  • using the mouse (click where you want to go), or 
  • using keyboard shortcuts (A/D, W/S, Q/E). 
I think a combination of both is most efficient. Usually I use my right hand to click where I want to go, and my left hand to control macros and altitude (Q/E).

The problem? You get stuck. Very often!

Archmage/Fyonar helped me a lot, by noticing that the flying "things" (should I call them "rocks"?) usually have invisible strings, connecting them to the invisible "ceiling" and the "ground".

Another reason I get stuck is because I forget I am in "enter-chat" mode, try to talk, and usually end up with all possible windows (inventory, map, etc) open.

Note: "Enter-chat" mode does not mean you can actually enter chat. On the contrary, it requires you to press enter before you try to speak. Counter-intuitive, isnt it?

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