During the past few months, the l2wh team has been working hard to implement a variety of tools for us. Some of them include:
Black Marketeer Helper:
Tools->Shop Tools->Black Marketeer Helper
Lists the prices of the Black Marketeer NPC (but he sells few items!)
Blacksmith Lahm Helper:
Tools->Shop Tools->Blacksmith Lahm Helper
Lahm is the NPC for the S80 sets/recipes (arktic.net has a list compiled too). This tool lists all the necessary items (shards mainly) you need for each of them.
Mammon Foundation Helper:
Tools->Mammon Tools->Mammon foundation helper
Lists what you need in order to start using a foundation item (usually some special varnish-enhancer). If you ever get a foundation item, that is.
Note: Make sure you re-load the initial page, in order to see all the new menu items (shift +pagereload helps).
Grats L2wh team!!
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