If you have a cubic (award from
A Special Order quest), you daily get a cubic piece.
Each cubic piece (plus some adena) can be exchanged for an enchant scroll.
Scroll Exchange Prices:
- EWD: 1 Fine Blue Cubic Piece + 150.000a
- EAD: 1 Rough Blue Cubic Piece + 18.000a
- EWC: 1 Fine Yellow Cubic Piece + 330.000a
- EAC: 1 Rough Yellow Cubic Piece + 45.000a
- EWB: 1 Fine Green Cubic Piece + 1.500.000a
- EAB: 1 Rough Green Cubic Piece + 80.000a
- EWA: 1 Fine Red Cubic Piece + 5.400.000a
- EAA: 1 Rough Red Cubic Piece + 720.000a
- EWS: 1 Fine White Cubic Piece + 15.000.000a
- EAS: 1 Rough White Cubic Piece + 1.500.000a
I would assume that it's always worth getting your enchant scrolls like that, instead of buying them in player shops. However few weeks ago, there was a strange phenomenon and the scrolls were sold in very low prices, even less than the adena needed to exchange your cubic piece for a scroll. Rumors said that this was due to a bug exploit. In any case, it was not worth exchanging your cubic pieces any longer.
Recently I had a look at l2wh.com (Teon sellers) prices and here are the results, comparing the price:
- if you directly buy the scroll from a player shop
- if you already own the cubic piece, and exchange it for a scroll
- if you buy the cubic piece from a player shop, and exchange it for a scroll
| buy scroll | exchange piece | buy + exchange piece |
EWD | 270k | 150k | 120k + 150k |
EAD | 27k | 18k | 10k + 18k |
EWC | 600k | 330k | 300k + 330k |
EAC | 150k | 45k | 55k + 45k |
EWB | 3M | 1.5M | 1.3M + 1.5M |
EAB | 200k | 80k | 170k + 80k |
EWA | 5.8M | 5.4M | 2.5M + 5.4M |
EAA | 800k | 720k | 300k + 720k |
EWS | 79M | 15M | 60M + 15M |
EAS | 7M | 1.5M | 45M + 1.5M (?!) |
So things are back to normal, keep exchanging your cubic pieces!
If you do not have enough of the pieces you need, check the table above to see if it is worth buying the scroll or the (respective) piece.