Monday, February 9, 2009

Should I use these cubic pieces today or not?

If you have a cubic (award from A Special Order quest), you daily get a cubic piece.

Each cubic piece (plus some adena) can be exchanged for an enchant scroll.

Scroll Exchange Prices:
  • EWD: 1 Fine Blue Cubic Piece + 150.000a
  • EAD: 1 Rough Blue Cubic Piece + 18.000a
  • EWC: 1 Fine Yellow Cubic Piece + 330.000a
  • EAC: 1 Rough Yellow Cubic Piece + 45.000a
  • EWB: 1 Fine Green Cubic Piece + 1.500.000a
  • EAB: 1 Rough Green Cubic Piece + 80.000a
  • EWA: 1 Fine Red Cubic Piece + 5.400.000a
  • EAA: 1 Rough Red Cubic Piece + 720.000a
  • EWS: 1 Fine White Cubic Piece + 15.000.000a
  • EAS: 1 Rough White Cubic Piece + 1.500.000a
I would assume that it's always worth getting your enchant scrolls like that, instead of buying them in player shops. However few weeks ago, there was a strange phenomenon and the scrolls were sold in very low prices, even less than the adena needed to exchange your cubic piece for a scroll. Rumors said that this was due to a bug exploit. In any case, it was not worth exchanging your cubic pieces any longer.

Recently I had a look at (Teon sellers) prices and here are the results, comparing the price:
  • if you directly buy the scroll from a player shop
  • if you already own the cubic piece, and exchange it for a scroll
  • if you buy the cubic piece from a player shop, and exchange it for a scroll

buy scroll exchange piece buy + exchange piece
EWD    270k 150k 120k + 150k
EAD    27k 18k 10k + 18k
EWC    600k 330k 300k + 330k
EAC    150k 45k 55k + 45k
EWB    3M 1.5M 1.3M + 1.5M
EAB    200k 80k 170k + 80k
EWA    5.8M 5.4M 2.5M + 5.4M
EAA    800k 720k 300k + 720k
EWS    79M 15M 60M + 15M
EAS    7M 1.5M 45M + 1.5M (?!)

So things are back to normal, keep exchanging your cubic pieces!

If you do not have enough of the pieces you need, check the table above to see if it is worth buying the scroll or the (respective) piece. 

1 comment:

vilor said...

i noticed that fluctuation in prices also. a couple of weeks ago i was looking prices for EWA and when my cubic produced a Fine Red piece i thought wow i am lucky today.
but before i exchanged it i checked the prices in l2wh (i had seen strange things with prices in d scrolls). the site produced i price 5.5m for EWA i said oh really cheap ewa. i found the first shop with that price and bought the scroll.
then i got greedy i though why not buy many EWA at 5.5 and sell them at 6?
i started checking prices 4.8m for EWA "omg i got ripped my new thought" searching more gave me 20 scrolls for 4.7 each!
so i bought as many i could and sold them all (-1) for 5.5m each!

what i want to say also is that the biggest trick in this story is that i also sold the Red Fine for 1m (my cost for 1 ewa i kept for myself was 4.7 - 1 3.7m!)

so except from checking all the combos Ανθη posted make a check if its chepaer to sell your part and buy a scroll from a shop.