Monday, August 25, 2008

Gracia Part 2

It's time to start exploring the next update, Gracia Part 2!

Today we introduce few pictures only, but more news will soon be made available.

To start with, players will be able
to acquire one of those little followers.
Contrary to angel and devil agathions,
these guys (how should I call them?) are actually useful,
each of them producing different results.
The player will be able to choose
whatever follower suits him/her best.
Can you imagine
a well-known short hero
of Teon (Tzonakos!!)
with a cute little and fierce
squirrel like this one?
He said he will definitely get one :)

I personally love the blue mage-on-robes one!
"Mom? He followed me 
can I keep him?"

I wonder what they do and how much they will cost. It is possible that they will be part of the (new) paid services, which means that we will have to pay for those little guys with real world currency.

Included a picture of a character plus follower, in order for you to see the relative size.

Some mini games will be included too! I wish we could play these at work :-)

Propheti told me about a new mount made available, so here it is! A white stallion, just for you. Each of the race (and probably gender too) will have a different position when on top of the horse.

More info will be soon added - stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Some horse-screens:

a cleric said...

Oh ty ty! Not only for the pictures - I like the whole site a lot. Check it out guys (and gals):