Thursday, August 28, 2008

PK motives

It happens quite often that some people will attack a live player for no reason at all apparently.
I understand the motive behind bot-killers or the marking of territory by attacking someone who entered and started stealing mobs from one's grinding spot.
Yesterday, as I was moving around places, I was attacked once by a Red (AKA marked idiot) and another time by a white-turned-purple player.
Since the recent patches (the previous one I think), there is no chance of dropping any item upon the death of a non-red player. So there is no possible bonus for PK a white player.
The penalty for turning red can be quite annoying:
1) the town guards will attack a Red player on sight and they are lvl 62, so this should be especially annoying for the PKers running around Dion, who cannot be higher than 45.
2) the NPC stores will not trade with Reds, except 3 special NPCs (Floran,Hardin's,Spider Nest), but who charge double prices then.
3) The Sin Eater quest is a huge pain.

So what could be the motive for attacking a harmless live player?
I asked the purple man attacking me, why he wished to turn himself Red and he was kind enough to enlighten me:
"I want to increase my PK count" said the player "GreekPower"... (apparently power does not get along well with wits)
Can someone please explain this to me?
Can a high PK count on mid-levels lead to anything other than an adena-drain and possible delevelling from town guards and higher level players, who can easily kill a Red without getting Karma (no penalty and besides there was Hero chat yesterday calling for high-level people to go to Cruma and enjoy a feast on Reds).
Finally there is still the chance to get a dropped weapon from Reds (only the Red players still have a chance to drop their weapon upon death), which should be a detterent for people turning red, provided their brain could process the situation rationally.

Is there any logic really behind increasing the PK count ?


Anonymous said...


a cleric said...

Is there some way to see the PK count of another player? Or the PvP count for that matter?

Anonymous said...

A popular answer, and particularly from players of a certain clan is: "Because I can".

summoner said...

"Because I can"... afford to be totally adena-drained as NPC trading will be restricted.
"Because I can"... afford to be harassed by Guards and higher-level players.
"Because I can"... afford to lose my weapon upon death, as I have lots of top weapons to spare for nothing.
"Because I can"... be content to get into people's KOS list and do not mind deleveling, if the case arises.

Anonymous said...

>"Because I can"... be
>content to get into
>people's KOS list

As if any PKer cares if he is in my KOS list.. I am sure he would laugh at such a threat.

summoner said...

True there are workarounds for all of these.
For example, a dagger could sneek past the guard, or an augment could make the weapon undroppable.
Still, this would result to lots of time wasting and I do not see any benefit for the PKer, except a pervert sense of "fun", spreading chaos.

Anonymous said...


Introduce a little anarchy!

The mob has plans. The cops have plans. Gordon's got plans. They're schemers. Upset the established order, then everything becomes …chaos.

I'm an agent of chaos.

Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair.

summoner said...

Well, actually the joker's actions have a lot of meaning. He poses moral dilemmas, testing the real quality of the "good" guys and the average person in general. The shining example is the scene in one of the ferries, where the huge convict throws the detonator out of the window, chastising the good captain with the remark "this is something you should have done 10 minutes ago".